The Space Projects
The Belonging Project:
Why it began, what it looks like, what we aim to do...
In 2022, ThinkHigher worked closely with Professor Arday to look into the experiences of Black Students in Coventry and Warwickshire. The report, ThinkHigher ‘Black Student Experience’ researchLink opens in a new window , recommends ‘creating spaces of belonging’ for Black pupils where they are able to “experience trust, inclusion and friendship” (Arday 2022:16) in a comfortable, non-judgemental environment where they are able to be recognised and understood as having value. This is further evidenced by the increasing research regarding the importance of belonging in educational institutions “Students’ sense of belonging is known to be strongly associated with academic achievement and a successful life” (Ahn & Davis 2019).
This was the basis of the Belonging Project, later titled by the students involved 'BLCK Space'...

BLCK Space
The BLCK Space programme is a new attainment raising initiative from ThinkHigher. Building on our Black Student Experience Report (2022) with Professor Arday, this programme aims to create a positive, affirming and fun space for Black and mixed Black heritage pupils in educational environments where there is a majority white population. We recognise that Black and mixed Black heritage pupils are often in very supportive home environments with strong role models and high aspirations, therefore this programme aims to provide an additional layer of academic support to ensure their success.
The programme will be delivered by Black and mixed Black heritage role models from the University of Warwick and Coventry University to develop study skills, explore sense of identity, culture and heritage, feel valued and embed a stronger sense of belonging to enhance self-belief and academic achievement whilst feeling empowered to challenge systemic racism and create positive change within your community.
We are working closely with Harris Academy in Rugby on this project after a successful pilot last academic year and are thrilled to have St Thomas More School in Nuneaton on board for this academic year!

Beyond Space
The Beyond Space programme is a new attainment-raising initiative from ThinkHigher. This programme aims to create a positive, affirming and fun space for pupils in receipt of Free School Meals. We recognise that pupils in receipt of Free School Meals are often in very supportive home environments with strong role models and high aspirations, therefore this programme aims to provide an additional layer of academic support to ensure your young person's success.
The programme will be delivered by role models from the University of Warwick and Coventry University to develop study skills, explore their sense of identity, culture and heritage, feel valued and embed a stronger sense of belonging to enhance self-efficacy and attainment whilst feeling empowered to create positive change within their communities.
We are excited to be working with Hartshill School in Nuneaton on this project.
“70% of Black British children feel under pressure over afro hair, 95% hear racist language and 59% think racism is the biggest barrier to success” (YMCA 2020).