Rainbow Project
Rainbow Project
During 2022/23 ThinkHigher delivered four Rainbow events to over 40 LGBTQUIA+ young people and allies from Coventry and Warwickshire.
The aim of the events was to create a supportive community for young people who felt marginalised by their sexuality, gender identity, relationship and sexual diversity.
This followed increased isolation of young people during the Covid pandemic and in response to research regarding the mental health of LGBTQUIA+ individuals and the impact of this on their educational journey. Conversations with young people in the ThinkHigher partner schools and colleges supported the findings in the reports.
Nearly half of LGBT pupils (45 per cent) – including 64 per cent of trans pupils – are bullied for being LGBT in Britain’s schools. This is down from 55 per cent of lesbian, gay and bi pupils who experienced bullying because of their sexual orientation in 2012 and 65 per cent in 2007

Why is this work so important?
Half of LGBT pupils hear homophobic slurs ‘frequently’ or ‘often’ at school, down from seven in 10 in 2012
Seven in 10 LGBT pupils report that their school says that homophobic and biphobic bullying is wrong, up from half in 2012 and a quarter in 2007. However, just two in five LGBT pupils report that their schools say that transphobic bullying is wrong
Just one in five LGBT pupils have been taught about safe sex in relation to same-sex relationships
More than four in five trans young people have self-harmed, as have three in five lesbian, gay and bi young people who aren’t trans
More than two in five trans young people have attempted to take their own life, and one in five lesbian, gay and bi students who aren’t trans have done the same

Stand out moments
The Rainbow Project has been a whole team initiative where everyone involved is fully invested in supporting each other, therefore, all staff and participants will have a broad range of stand out moments. But for me personally, seeing the participants provide fantastic advice and guidance on a range of issues to each other and the subsequent growth of all members in response (staff included) is what stands out for me. Seeing new friendships emerge and evolve and the increase in confidence as participants experience acceptance (sometimes for the first time) has been wonderful
How can I get involved?
We will continue to hold monthly meet-ups in Nuneaton and hope to introduce the group to new participants during LGBTQ+ History Month in February 2023. We hope to secure more funding in future to be able to deliver another large, on-campus university experience for the members in future too.
We welcome anyone joining or supporting our fantastic group! Please email Jo Gaffney to find out more or register interest Joanne.Gaffney@Warwick.ac.ukLink opens in a new window